Sunday Gospels

Through the lens of Relationship


The Gospel readings of October give us a good idea of what our relationship with God should be like.

Our relationship with God has many parts. The Gospel reading for the first Sunday of October (Lk 17:5-10) speaks about a master and his servants. Our job is to serve God and do his will. He is a good master who gives us all the gifts we need in order to do our work. He even gives us the power to believe in him.

Question mark

When you receive gifts from your loving Father, what is your response? In the story of the ten lepers (Lk 17:11-19), all ten realize that they need something from Jesus and they all receive what the need. But nine of them do not take the next step in their relationship with Jesus. Only one returns to give thanks.


How can Jesus compare God to a dishonest judge? This parable (Lk 18:1-8) is told to increase our confidence. If even a dishonest judge is eventually willing to help the persistent widow, how much more can we rely on our loving Father to hear our persistent prayers. If we do not give up in our relationship with God, he is sure to help us.


If you are like the Pharisee (Lk 18:9-14), do you really have a relationship with God? Or are you just talking to yourself? Do you think that God is interested in either how good you think you or in how bad you think others are? The tax collector, on the other hand, has a true relationship with God. He realized his weakness and his need for God’s mercy.


Finally, we arrive at the story of Zacchaeus. (Lk 19:1-10) How much are you seeking to find Jesus and to see him in the events of your life? And what do you want him to do for you once you find him? Zacchaeus allowed his encounter with Jesus to entirely transform his life.