
What’s In My Backyard?-Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp

Meet the Neighbors: Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp For the introduction to this series, see here. These brightly colored wasps are master builders. They make nests of mud in shady sheltered places like bridges, garages, barns, and behind shutters. Their Latin name means builder of walls! They place captured spiders in the nests for their larvae to …

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What’s In My Backyard?-Elegant Grass-carrying Wasp

Meet the Neighbors: Elegant Grass-carrying Wasp For the introduction to this series, see here. This wasp is a member of the grass-carrying wasp group (genus Isodontia). These interesting wasps live up to their name. You will often see them flying along carrying a blade of grass longer than themselves. What are they doing with the …

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What’s In My Backyard?-Long-tailed Giant Ichneumonid Wasp

Meet the Neighbors: Long-tailed Giant Ichneumonid Wasp For the introduction to this series, see here. Here is one of the most dramatic wasps you might see in your yard. This is a rather scary looking insect. After all, look at that long appendage on its tail. You might think that is an enormous stinger! In …

What’s In My Backyard?-Long-tailed Giant Ichneumonid Wasp Read More »

What’s In My Backyard?-Common Checkered-Skipper

Meet the Neighbors: Common Checkered-Skipper For the introduction to this series, see here. Today we meet the Common Checkered-Skipper. If you live anywhere in the US or Mexico or southern Canada, you will have these little butterflies living near you. Skippers are butterflies even though they are so small and chubby. Common Checkered-Skippers lay eggs …

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