Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Do you oppress others?
Do you accuse others?
Is your speech malicious?
Do you bestow your bread on the hungry?
Do you satisfy the afflicted?
Do you follow your own pursuits?
Do you call God’s holy day a delight?
Do you want to delight in the Lord? Is 58:9b-14
Are you ready to leave everything to follow Jesus?
What is holding you back?
What kind of banquet do you prepare for Jesus?
Do you bring other people to him?
Do you recognize that you are sick?
Do you realize that you need Jesus? Lk 5:27-32
Questions from On Spiritual Perfection by Diadochus of Photice
- Do you maintain great stillness of mind even in the midst of struggles?
- Do you treasure the good and reject the evil?
- Do you provide the Holy Spirit a resting place by your peace of soul?
- Do you stifle the Holy Spirit?
- Do you grieve him by your evil actions and thoughts?
- Can you taste the riches of divine consolation?
- Do you preserve the memory of this taste?
- Is your love increasing?
(From Office of Readings, Second Reading for the Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time.)

Image Credit: Photo of a Mosaic station from Covington Cathedral by Fr. Lawrence, OP
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0/Lawrence OP