First Sunday of Lent
What offering are you bringing to God?
Do you remember your lowly state?
Do you remember all that God has done for you? Dt 26:4-10
Is the word of God in your mind and in your heart?
Do you say that Jesus is Lord?
Do you truly believe that he is risen? Rom 10:8-13
Do you let the Holy Spirit lead you?
What do you live on?
Do you worship and serve God alone?
Do you put God to the test? Lk 4:1-13
Questions from St. Augustine
- Do you realize that Christ is one and we are all his members?
- Are you unified with the Body of Christ?
- Do you realize that Christ has gained for you salvation, life, glory and victory?
(From Office of Readings, Second Reading for the First Sunday of Lent.)

Image Credit: Photo of a chasuble in St Dominic’s Priory, Newcastle by Fr. Lawrence, OP
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0/Lawrence OP