Thursday of the First Week in Lent
Do you pray without ceasing?
Do you pray from the heart? Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25
Do you pray with persistence?
Do you believe in the goodness of God?
Do you do to others what you want them to do to you? Mt 7:7-12

Questions from St. Asterius of Amasea
- Do you wish to resemble God?
- Do you imitate the love of Christ?
- Do you reflect on the kindness of God?
- How did Jesus receive those who listened to his call?
- Do you meditate on the gospel?
- Do you search for those who are lost?
- Do you look on others as lost or beyond hope?
- Do you abandon those who are in danger?
(Office of Readings, Second Reading for Thursday of the First Week in Lent)
Image Credit: Icon of Jesus Christ Pantocrator, Encaustic on wood, St. Catherine’s Monastery Sinai, 6th century. PD