The “How is Your Christian Life?” Quiz
A challenge for each one of us
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Do you help those in prison and those in darkness?
Do you show mercy to the afflicted? Is 49:8-15
How do you honor the Son?
What does it mean to believe in God?
Have you done good deeds? Jn 5:17-30

Questions from a letter by St. Maximus the Confessor
- Do you come back to God with true repentance?
- Do you imitate him by your kindness and genuine love?
- Do you forgive?
- Do you behave to others as you want them to behave towards you?
(Office of Readings, Second Reading for Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent)
Image Credit: Christ Preaching, ca. 1657, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, The Morgen/PD