The “How is Your Christian Life?” Quiz

A challenge for each one of us

Thursday of the Fifth
Week in Lent

Mass Readings from the USCCB

What is your covenant with God?

Are you keeping it? Gn 17:3-9

Are you keeping the word of Jesus?

What is his word?

Who is Jesus? Jn 8:51-59

Christ the Saviour (Pantokrator), a 6th-century encaustic icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai.

Questions from the dogmatic constitution on the Church of the Second Vatican Council

  • How are you making your heart a temple for the Holy Spirit?
  • What law do you base your life on?
  • Are you a sign of unity and hope for others?
  • How are you being the salt of the earth?

(Office of Readings, Second Reading for Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

Image Credit: Icon of Jesus Christ Pantocrator, Encaustic on wood, St. Catherine’s Monastery Sinai, 6th century. PD