The “How is Your Christian Life?” Quiz
A challenge for each one of us
Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent
Do you desire unity?
What are your idols? Ez 37:21-28
Do you turn away from the good?
Are you gathering with Jesus?
Do you stay with Jesus even in the desert? Jn 11:45-56
Questions from a homily by St. Gregory Nazianzen
- Do you allow Jesus to teach you?
- Do you regard Heaven as your home?
- Do you offer God a sacrifice of praise?
- Do you offer your life to God in every moment?
(Office of Readings, Second Reading for Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

Image Credit: Photo of a Mosaic station from Covington Cathedral by Fr. Lawrence, OP
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0/Lawrence OP