The “How is Your Christian Life?” Quiz

A challenge for each one of us

Palm Sunday

Do you know how to speak to the weary?

Have you rebelled against God?

Are you determined to follow Jesus no matter what the cost? Is 50:4-7

Have you emptied yourself?

Is Jesus truly the Lord of your life? Phil 2:6-11

What character are you in the Passion of Jesus?

How have you caused him to suffer? Lk 22:14—23:56

Questions from the Letter to the Hebrews

  • Do you know what God desires?
  • Could it be written of you that you come to do God’s will?
  • Do you recognize the great gift of the forgiveness of your sins?

(From Office of Readings, Second Reading for Palm Sunday)

chasuble in St Dominic's Priory, Newcastle

Image Credit: Photo of a chasuble in St Dominic’s Priory, Newcastle by Fr. Lawrence, OP

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0/Lawrence OP