The “How is Your Christian Life?” Quiz

A challenge for each one of us

Holy Tuesday

Mass Readings from the USCCB

Is your reward with God?

Are you light to others? Is 49:1-6

Do you betray Jesus by your actions?

Are you ready to follow Jesus to death?

Have you promised Jesus things that you have not fulfilled?

Are you trusting in your own strength? Jn 13:21-33, 36-38

Questions from the letter to the Hebrews

  • Do you remember that you are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses and friends?
  • What encumbrance of sin is holding you back?
  • Why don’t you lay it aside?
  • Do you think of the joy that lies before you?
  • Do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
  • Do you become discouraged?
  • Do you submit to the will of the Father?

(From Office of Readings, First Reading for Holy Tuesday)


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