December 30 2023 Daily Prayer

Every day, we will post a few brief prayers inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours.

O Lord, open my lips. And my mouth shall declare your praise. 

Psalm 85

O Lord, you once favored your land
and revived the fortunes of Jacob,
you forgave the guilt of your people
and covered all their sins.
You averted all your rage,
you calmed the heat of your anger.

Revive us now, God, our helper!
Put an end to your grievance against us.
Will you be angry with us for ever,
will your anger never cease?

Will you not restore again our life
that your people may rejoice in you?
Let us see, O Lord, your mercy
and give us your saving help.

I will hear what the Lord God has to say,
a voice that speaks of peace,
peace for his people and his friends
and those who turn to him in their hearts.
His help is near for those who fear him
and his glory will dwell in our land.

Mercy and faithfulness have met;
justice and peace have embraced.
Faithfulness shall spring from the earth
and justice look down from heaven.

The Lord will make us prosper
and our earth shall yield its fruit.
Justice shall march before him
and peace shall follow his steps.

Reading: Colossians 1:15-20

Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creatures. In him everything in heaven and on earth was created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominations, principalities or powers; all were created through him, and for him. He is before all else that is. In him everything continues in being.

It is he who is head of the body, the church; he who is the beginning, the first-born of the dead, so the primacy may be his in everything. It pleased God to make absolute fullness reside in him and, by means of him, to reconcile everything in his person, both on earth and in the heavens, making peace through the blood of his cross. 

The Canticle of Mary

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, 
My spirit rejoices in God, my Savior
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.


May we share the message of your love with the world.
Beloved Son of God, hear us!
Make us holy as you are holy.
Beloved Son of God, hear us!
Fill the world with joy at your coming.
Beloved Son of God, hear us!
Dear Jesus,
Set us free from our attatchments to sin as you broke sin's yoke by coming among us. We ask the Father for this in your name in union with the Holy Spirit. Amen.