
The Our Father, Pattern of Prayer

The Our Father is not only a wonderful prayer that we can pray every day of our lives. It is also a pattern of prayer that we can use as a meditation and a conversation with our Father. Here is an example:

Our Father

Since you are the Father of us all please look with mercy upon your children all over the world, on your children sleeping, working, praying, suffering. Especially grant your mercy to those in __________.

Who art in Heaven

I place myself in your arms and cling to you. I want to live with you at every moment and to see things through your eyes. (Spend some time with your Father in Heaven.)

Hallowed be thy name

We have been baptized with your name. Forgive us for the times that we have acted in ways that bring dishonor to your name and help us instead to glorify your name by our lives.

Thy Kingdom come

Jesus, when will you return? We need you. Help us to have hearts ready for your coming.

Thy will be done

What is your will, Father? How do you want me to live? What displeases you? What pleases you?

On Earth as it is in Heaven

In Heaven, your will is kept easily through love. Give me a heart like Jesus.

Give us this day our daily bread

What do I truly need today? Please, Father, give me what I truly need to live as your child. Please look with compassion on all those who do not have the basic needs of life, especially __________.

And forgive us our trespasses

Father, I have sinned. I am sorry that I have _________. Please forgive me. Grant forgiveness and the desire to repent to all.

As we forgive those who trespass against us

Father, give me a merciful heart. Help me to be a channel of your forgiveness in the world. Please send abundant blessings to all those I have harmed and all those who have harmed me especially ________.

And lead us not into temptation

Do not let me fall into temptation. Do not let me put myself at the center and harden my heart. Come to the aid of all undergoing temptations.

But deliver us from evil

Do not let anything separate us from you. Protect us from all harm and gather us all together to live with you forever.


Photo by Min An from Pexels