St. Joseph Moscati was born in Italy in 1880. His family were very devout Catholics and were friends with two other saints: Blessed Bartolo Longo and St. Caterina Volpicelli. When Joseph grew up, he became a doctor and dedicated his life to serving the poor and sick. He served the poor for free; in fact, he sometimes gave his patients money along with their prescriptions. He was sometimes able to heal people when nobody else could help them; some of these cures seemed to be miraculous. When a nearby hospital was in danger from an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, he risked his life to evacuate the patients. He also worked to find better ways to diagnose and treat various sicknesses. Joseph died in 1927 on April 12th and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1987.
During his life, Joseph worked hard to cure the sick. But he knew that only the Resurrection of Jesus Christ can defeat death. Now he is with the risen Lord in Heaven forever.
St. Joseph Moscati, pray for us.