January 8, 2022
Today read carefully Jn 3:22-30 Jesus says: Be united. Come to me. Receive my words. I will make your joy complete. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Jn 3:22-30 Jesus says: Be united. Come to me. Receive my words. I will make your joy complete. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Lk 5:12-16 Jesus says: Be made clean. Let me touch you. Do what I command you. Listen to me. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Lk 4:14-22 Jesus says: I bring glad tidings to the poor. My father sent me to proclaim liberty. And recovery of sight to the blind. Make this year acceptable to the Lord. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 6:45-52 Jesus says: Obey me. I see your distress. Take courage, it is I. Do not be afraid. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 6:34-44 Jesus says: My heart is moved with pity. I will teach you. What do you have for me? Eat and be satisfied. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Jesus says: I am your light. Repent for my kingdom is at hand. Bring your troubles to me. I am your teacher. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mt 2:1-12 Jesus says: Look for me. Worship me. Do not follow your own ways. Be filled with joy. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Lk 2:16-21 Jesus says: Go in haste to find me. Keep my words in your heart. Reflect on them. Glorify and praise God. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Jn 1:1-18 Jesus says: I am God. All things come through me. My light shines in the darkness. I give you the power to be children of God. I want to dwell with you. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Lk 2:36-40 Jesus says: Stay with me. Worship me continually. Give thanks. Speak about me to others. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?