St. John Vianney and Prayer

Meditation Two

What is prayer? St. John Vianney teaches us some powerful things about prayer. This is the second in a series of reflections on his instructions about prayer.

Where is your treasure? Is it here on earth or is it in Heaven?

Your thoughts live wherever your treasure is. If your treasure is here on earth, your thoughts will crawl along the ground. But if your treasure is in Heaven, your thoughts will be in the presence of God.

When your pray from your heart, your prayer becomes a treasure in Heaven. It is a delight to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a delight to Mary and to all the angels and saints. As you think about your treasury of prayer being a delight to everyone in Heaven, the thought of all the happiness you are creating will draw you to pray in every moment of your day. Where your heart is, there also your treasure will be.