January 18, 2022
Today read carefully Mk 2:23-28 Jesus says: I am passing by. Why do you judge incorrectly? Do not condemn others. I am the Lord of all. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 2:23-28 Jesus says: I am passing by. Why do you judge incorrectly? Do not condemn others. I am the Lord of all. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 2:18-22 Jesus says: Why are you sad? I am with you. Receive new life. And live it. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Jn 2:1-11 Jesus says: Invite me into your life. Do whatever I tell you. You have work to do. Believe in me. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 2:13-17 Jesus says: Follow me. I want to come to your house. I hear your thoughts. You need me. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 2:1-12 Jesus says: Your sins are forgiven. I know what you are thinking. Rise. Glorify God. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 1:40-45 Jesus says: My heart is moved with pity. Let me touch you. I want to make you clean. Come to me. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 1:29-39 Jesus says: Tell me your troubles. Bring me those who are in need. Pray early in the morning. Look for me. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 1:21-28 Jesus says: Let me teach you. Listen to me. I have come to heal you. Be amazed at my power. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Mk 1:14-20 Jesus says: This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel. Come after me. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?
Today read carefully Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Jesus says: Are you waiting for me? Receive the Holy Spirit. You are a child of God. I love you. What does he want you to hear today? Can you find any other things he says to you?