The Unknown God: Nine Steps to Pentecost
Day Three

Let’s learn to know the Holy Spirit better during these nine days before Pentecost. Here is the third step.
We’re now in the time of the Ascension. Jesus had been with the Apostles and the others who loved him. They could see him and touch him. They could talk to him and ask him questions. But now he is going away. We should rejoice that his mission is finished. But how can we have peace and joy when Jesus is no longer present in the world as he was to the Apostles?
Listen to the words of Jesus. “It is better for you if I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate (The Holy Spirit) will not come to you.”
What can these words mean? How can it be better for us if Jesus leaves?
There are many difficult things in the Bible. The way to understand them is to ponder them in your heart. Who can help us to deepen our understanding? “But when he comes, the Spirit of Truth, he will guide you to all truth.” Before they received the Holy Spirit, the Apostles loved Jesus but they often could not understand him. After Pentecost, they gained the ability to open their minds to understand and their hearts to love more deeply. We can do the same. Rejoice!
The third day of a novena to the Holy Spirit:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. (Luke 4:18a)
Come, Holy Spirit, and bring us understanding so that we may carry on the mission of Jesus. Amen.