This is one of the Benedictine saints who appear in Benedictine and Ignatius scramble. Since I already wrote about him in January, here he is again. If you haven’t had a chance to meet our January saints, they are still just as wonderful in July. Scroll down the page to see them all.
Cyprian had many gifts and talents. He lived a life of voluntary poverty and spent his life in service to others. Many Christians were not living this way. Because Cyprian had such high standards for himself, he also had high standards for others. Although he was often kind and helpful, he could sometimes be quite strict. When he was 47, he left Nigeria to become a Benedictine monk in England. Here he was put under the authority of others who were sometimes overly strict. He now saw that he should have had more understanding of the weaknesses of others. It is so easy to think that everyone should be just like me and to be impatient with the failings of others. I think that Cyprian did many wonderful things. But I think that having the humility to admit that he had been wrong was one of the most wonderful.

Download our coloring and fact page for Bl. Cyprian:
Bl. Cyprian was featured in our January calendar. Find our other January saint fact sheets here: