
The Saints and Their Love for Mary: Venerable Aloysius Schwartz

The Saints and Their Love for Mary Venerable Aloysius Schwartz Have you ever heard of Mary’s title Virgin of the Poor? In 1933, Mary appeared to 12-year-old Mariette Beco in the small town of Banneux, Belgium. She told Mariette that she was the Virgin of the Poor. Aloysius Schwartz was three years old and living

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The Saints and Their Love for Mary: Stanislaw Kazimierczyk

The Saints and Their Love for Mary St. Stanislaw Kazimierczyk St. Stanislaw Kazimierczyk was devoted to Mary. He wanted to follow her example of doing all the ordinary humble activities of life with great love and for the glory of God. Because of his devotion, his preaching touched hearts, penitents left his confessional with renewed

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